
Past & History
Foundation Horses
Hall of Fame
Presence & Future
The Stallions
The Mares
Spotlights & News
Photo Impressions
Contact & Route
Filsinger Arabians
Frank Filsinger - Veterinarian
Gestuet Roter Busch
D- 74722 Buchen-Goetzingen
Tel:    (+49)/ (0)  6281 - 2540
Fax:    (+49)/ (0)   6281 - 97187
e-mail:   contact@filsinger-arabians.com   
Visitors are welcome by appointment, so kindly call in advance
to make your visit possible and welcome. 

The studfarm is located in the southern part of Germany, 
about 100 km south of Frankfurt and about 100 km north of Stuttgart,
and in the so-called "Odenwald" area.

To see how to find the studfarm exactly -
just click the buttom to open a PDF file with a detailled way description.